Saturday, July 05, 2008

A year ... and nearly a half!

Yep, that's Varun in a month and ten days. So, this one's just for the heck of it, to those times I remember still ...

February 14, 2007 : The loud thump, thump of your heart coming from that machine while you were still just about inside of me (for a few more hours, atleast).

February 14, 2007 <3.13pm>: The final push and that crazy but clear-as-crystal feeling of your little body slide out of mine.

February 17, 2007 : Home for the first time with you.

July 12, 2007: You struggled with this one for many days and after many frustrating attempts, you finally rolled over onto your tummy ... and then did it all the time!

September 3, 2007: Your first tooth - then, ten days later out popped the second one. You started trying to crawl this month - went in reverse gear first, again this one made you raving mad! After all, why were you ending up away from that little teddy you so wanted to get to! :-) You uttered your first word "light" (of course, you said it without the 'l' and so it is even today!)

October 2, 2007: The big day! You leap-frogged forward! You would gather enough courage to somehow make it the edge of the carpet, and were wary of the cold, hard floor till curiosity took care of that one. The rest is history! Soon, you were half-sitting ...

October 25, 2007: You sat up on your own, just like that, got so interested in a toy at a friends house and that was it ... two days later you stood up on your knees and pulled up on your feet holding on for dear life ... to the wall, the tall mirror in the corridor, to the television ...

February 20, 2007: You started walking holding my hand! You had been cruising holding the wall for a few weeks now. Today I was holding you with both hands as you stood. You shook your right hand out of mine and started taking beautiful tiny steps forward and as I walked with you, your hand in mine, you were absolutely delighted in this new-found skill.

March 23, 2007: I had just returned from a trip to Delhi where you had tried to take a few steps on your own. Suddenly, a day after I came back, there it was, you walked off on your own. No looking back!

Now you walk, run, walk backwards, climb on and off the bed and are a general riot full of laughs and squeals all day. So, here's to many more memorable days ...

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