Friday, July 04, 2008


Yep, that's what Varun calls things that he is forbidden from touching i.e. scissors, knives, screwdrivers ...

Here's how a typical conversation goes (for example when we walk into the kitchen and he spots the knives set):

Varun: No, no!
Me: No sweetheart.
Varun: NO, NO! (that's exactly what I am saying - No, no - so why don't you give it to me).
Varun: NOOOO, NOOOO (this woman is not getting it!)

And so on it goes - everyday - with all the above listed objects. Ofcourse, it's tough not to laugh when he goes behind the television, and stretches his arm to touch the wires behind, wears an impish smile, looks at me with the look that says, "There Mama, I know I am not allowed to do that", says "No!" and then walks away with a glow in his eyes and a lovely little smile on his lips.

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