Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Motions and Emotions

He's trying to crawl. It's not necessarily working in that he's not moving in the general direction he's trying to get to. In fact, the exact opposite happens. If the toy he wants is in front of him, he pushes up and back with his hands (full power) and gets his tummy off the ground. And he wiggles his legs with as much force as possible. Net result: he's going back and further back and even more back till he reaches the African coast.

"What the H is happening here, dude?", he seems to say, frustrated, "This ain't what I signed up for", as Dad furiously fills up immigration forms in Kenya.

But he's also laughing because we are finding it enormously cute and he loves making us happy. As much as I try to think otherwise, he's quite happy to entertain us.

Anyone who tells me they did a favour to their children by raising them is going to get a tight slap. Varun has provided me more joy than I have known, and I think for that *I* should be indebted.

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